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Friday, 6 May 2011

Michael Moore: U.S.A. 'Lost Soul' After Killing Osama bin Laden,

Michael Moore, Osama Bin Laden

Getty Images

"After World War II, we just didn't go in and put a bullet to the head of all the top Nazis. We put them on trial," he says on "Piers Morgan Tonight."

Michael Moore continued criticizing the killing of Osama bin Laden on Piers Morgan Tonight Thursday.

The day after explaining his conspiracy theories on Twitter, the controversial filmmaker told the CNN host that he's pleased bin Laden is gone, but America has "lost something of our soul" by killing him.

"We've lost something of our soul here in this country... something that separates us from other parts, other countries where we say everybody has their day in court no matter how bad of a person, no matter what piece of scum they are, they have a right to a trial...after World War II, we just didn't go in and put a bullet to the head of all the top Nazis. We put them on trial," he said (via Huffington Post).

He was also critical of those that celebrated bin Laden's death at Ground Zero.

"I hear a lot of people often say, what would Jesus do?" he said. "I don't think Jesus would go down to Ground Zero like a lot of people did...and have a party." Morgan asked him why he took issue with the way bin Laden died. Moore said that the killing deviated from the notion that everyone has a right to a trial."

Those who are against a trial for bin Laden are "saying that you hate being an American. You hate what we stand for, you hate what our constitution stands for. We stand for something different than that and we're better than them."

Moore called bin Laden's death an "execution" on Twitter earlier this week.


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